A community of people who are pursuing day and night prayer and the uniting of the body of Christ at asu

February 09, 2006

Greetings to Boyd of Pray, where is Chris the...we'll have to come up with a cool name for him as well...How about "Chris Ngai, The Prayer Guy"? Hmm... That's alot to type. Anyway; crazy, crazy, crazy excitement! Jesus is on the move.

To all Christians at ASU,


Ever since we started praying I've been seeing God move like crazy. I have had the chance to speak with upwards of eight people since school started and I recently talked with a bunch of people from my class about God on our Discussion Board. I also got to meet a Christian guy from West Africa named Malik who just got to the US. He was walking by Crusade and he heard the music. Even though he did not know the words' meaning, he felt like these must be Christians singing. I got to here his story and he came from a family with very little money, but he wanted to come to the US, so his pastor prayed for him and against all odds he got a visa. Now he's gonna start coming to my small group. As I write this email, I'm speaking with my friend Andre, who also knows Malik from the English Conversational Partner Program on campus. The body of Christ is coming together even across international boundaries! Everywhere I go I talk to Christians that know friends of their friends who know so and so. There's links popping up all over!

Anyway, at the same time that we have begun to cry out to God, other universities across the nation are doing the same.
I just got this email from Chris about news from ~40 other campuses that are experiencing revival!!!! SOMETHING IS HAPPENING!!!!!!



This Friday, 3-5pm, Danforth Chapel---We are bringing two guys from Campus Renewal Ministries that just experienced revival at Texas University and they want to share with us what happened on their campus and what strategies they used so that we may be empowered to do the same.

Every Friday 1:30-3pm, Hayden Lawn---Come join Christians from every ministry in Prayer and Worship. It's a real free atmosphere; you can do whatever God leads you to. Declare scripture over the campus or just do initiative evangelism. Sometimes we don't have to do anything, people will come up to us and ask us what we are doing.

Every Wednesday, 12-1:30pm, MU (the room varies-contact me for info: JoeltheJedi@msn.com)---Prayer and Worship: A time to call out to God for Revival. Sacrifice your midday meal for Jesus and come...or eat while singing and praying...I'll enjoy watching that :)

Soon to be Tuesdays, 7pm, Praxis Church---The pastor of Praxis is heading up Ressurection week before Easter this year and his vision has blown my mind. He's got a fresh view on what it's supposed to be about (Making Jesus known. I know it sounds like a "duh!", but in the past it's been more about attracting people to our ministries) and he wants us students to run the show together, rather than each ministry doing their own thing. So far we've just been having brainstorming sessions and a few ministries have made the commitment to taking some of ideas and making them happen.

WWW.LOVEASU.COM---We have recently created a website through which members from all ministries at ASU can communicate, pray for each other, collaborate, and celebrate what God is doing.

3 Days of 24/7 Prayer, Feb. 21-24---Sign up for an hour to pray on Hayden Lawn during the day with other Christians. During the night prayer moves to a nearby book store

24/7 Prayer the Entire Week Prior to Rez Week, April 2-9---Same thing on Hayden Lawn and the bookstore

24/7 Prayer All Year---For those of you with very stout hearts, you can go to loveasu.com and sign up to pray for the same hour every week


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