A community of people who are pursuing day and night prayer and the uniting of the body of Christ at asu

March 31, 2006

Release the Anointing

1 John 2:27 says that the anointing which we have received from Him abides in us. If the anointing is already in us as the body of Christ, then why aren’t we stepping into it, why isn’t it pouring out of our hearts, why does it seem so buried and inaccessible? What is holding us back Lord?
Lately the Lord has brought me to a place of mourning over the shame that is over His people. His body, His chosen people, those who are cleansed by the blood of the lamb, new creations, called by a new name…living under shame and guilt, living in chains because of it. His purposes being unfulfilled because of it! His heart is healing, his heart is fullness, wholeness, oneness… but why isn’t it coming if it is his will? Is the timing not right? NO! This is God’s will. This is the time! We need to press in or we die…we remain stagnant. Let us not settle! This is not something we can sit on, this is a choice that needs to be made. Do we accept his invitation to freedom with sincere hearts, do we trust that even though we may not feel it, he has deemed us worthy of the blood of the lamb? Or do we remain in our haughty shame. Living in shame is saying that our sin is too big for the Lord of the Heavens…shame is full of pride.
Lord I am so sorry… you have offered your church life abundantly and we sit sulking on a bed of ashes…because we don’t believe, truly believe that you would give it to us….now mother Theresa maybe, but not us! Lord we repent, you have called us worthy, you have called us your sons and daughters
God is speaking to the body: Revere me, trust me, cant you see that I am heartbroken that I am not one with you… you’re not letting my fullness penetrate you… your shame is making you hard, closing you up towards me.
Lets step into the fullness of the anointing that is already in us, casting off all pride and all shame and taking on a spirit of reverence for the King of Kings, claiming our inheritance, pressing on towards the promise land, the kingdom of heaven dwells in us… lets usher it in!

This is God’s heart over the church. Pray that the bride will rise up in fullness, for she has already been healed, His love has already redeemed!
God is so good! : )

March 30, 2006

different... but the same

As we are getting ready to enter a week of 24/7 prayer, I was just thinking about the significance of us all coming together for one purpose.

We, as people, can be so different from each other: the way we look, act, feel, respond, and communicate can cover a wide spectrum. And after connecting with many different circles of prayers/intercessors, I've also seen very diverse ways people engage in prayer: full of passion and energy, in a sweet silence, poetically and artfully, or beautifully simple. I've seen/experienced times when our prayers are spoken, written, sung, painted, whispered, wept, speechlessly felt, and above all, lived. Yeah, its as beautiful thing when our very lives become our prayer...

So let's totally embrace that... how amazing it is when such a diverse community of people can come together for a single purpose... to be close, to communicate with, and to experience the Living and present God that we love.

Don't forget to sign-up for a block or two, and I'll see you guys on the lawn or in the chapel next week.

Full of hope...


March 25, 2006

House of Prayer at ASU

I'm going to be blunt about it- we need to pray that all hinderances would melt away. God is showing me that we need to ACT NOW. God has given us favor with President Crow and we need to capitalize on it NOW. We cannot wait until later. President Crow is an incredibly busy man if we wait too long he will forget about helping us. And we need to realize that President Crow will not always be President of ASU; he may leave and go to a different school over the summer (or sooner) and we'll come back for the fall and there will be a totally new president. Right now he is the top man at ASU and we need to take advantage of this open door. If we take things too slow we could miss out. God hit me with a message this week at my Church. The message was about being Proactive. We need to be Proactive! I spent about 2 hrs yesterday warring in the spirit for ASU and against negative thoughts that were attacking me. It was incredible! God was showing me that we have slowed down in letting Him know that WE WANT HIM TO COME, HE IS INVITED, and HE IS WELCOMED. Spread the word! And let's pray Pray PRAY!!!

Please pray for the staff at ASU that are involved in the decision making process, pray that security would not be an issue that would get in the way of a House of Prayer for God at ASU, pray that everyone would be Proactive, and pray that the Body of Christ at ASU would rise up in their prayers letting God know that we want Him to come, He is invited, and He is welcomed.