A community of people who are pursuing day and night prayer and the uniting of the body of Christ at asu

September 27, 2006

40 Days of 24 Hr Prayer

Prayer Chapel

Today was the launch!

September 22, 2006

community of prayer...

As we are getting ready to start our 40 days of 24/7 prayer, it made me think back to some of the richest times I have shared with my friends... times that revolved around prayer.

Times when a group of us spent the whole night bare-footed in our "whispering room" writing poetry, praying for each other, reading, listening, journaling, and just soaking in this beautiful peaceful presence. Times when a friend and I were so worried about a mutual friend who was trapped in depression (and making suicidal comments) that almost all we could do as we prayed for him together was weep... and ask God to hear the ache inside of us that could find no words. (And I'm happy to say that 2 years later, our friend is still alive).

Then I thought about last semester, when we had 24/3 prayer on campus, and a couple of my friends decided to take a 2am shift together. The five of us decided to make an event of it since we were going to have to drive down to Tempe in the wee hours of the morning (we all live up north). So we jumped in the car together, and had a half hour of great conversation and laughter. And when we got to Tempe, we walked onto a campus that was covered in a moon-lit peacefulness that I had never felt before. After we talked with some new friends that were ending their shift in Danforth chapel, we decided the spend the first half hour praying individually. Some of us journaled, and others just whispered in the corner, but we all connected with a very present, living God.

The last half hour we spent praying together, and the one thing that I will never forget, is how much I love listening to my friend, David, pray. When you listen to him, its like he's talking with someone he intimately knows... and loves. It inspires you, and makes you want to know God deeper.

That night is now a memory us five treasure together... the deeper connection we made with each other that night, the time we spent enjoying the presence of a God we barely understand, the conversations and laughter, and the french toast at 3am.

I know getting together to pray (especially in the middle of the night) is something that our culture as a whole isn't familiar with. But you may just experience a connection, that you never have before.

So grab a couple friends.... and sign up for a block.
I'm tellin' ya... you won't regret it.
