A community of people who are pursuing day and night prayer and the uniting of the body of Christ at asu

October 23, 2006

Come to me and I shall give you rest

As of recently, Campus Crusade has moved the location of our prayer meeting to Danforth Chapel to join other brothers and sisters in concerted prayer. Last Thursday as we were preparing to begin our time there, a guy named Trevor walked by the Chapel and began to chat with us. He shared that he was a fellow brother in Christ, but was caught up in drugs and alcohol and had been battling it for some time. When he passed by us he was actually headed to a nearby drughouse after being thrown out of a halfway house. We encouraged him to stay with us the rest of the night, and he did for a couple hours, during which we were able to listen to his story and just love on him. He left us that night, promising to later return. There were a few things he said that were very encouraging to me in regards to the effectiveness of the ministry of 24-hour prayer. I will attempt to reiterate them as best I can in keeping with how they were expressed to me:

"Why are you guys always smiling? It's starting to creep me out."
[after hearing his story]

"Part of me wants to go get a beer, but part of me wants to stay here."

"You know, I feel more encouraged talking with you guys than I ever did at those rehab sessions. It's just different there. I wish I could take you to one their programs so that you could talk to those other guys."
[after praying for him to be delivered from his addictions]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Joel, he actually ended up staying the night. When I went back at 2 am he was there sleeping. I think he talked to one of the other guys. He woke up the next morning and left, looking to figure out where he'll live. He seemed a lot happier. I haven't seen him since though, so all we can do is continue to pray for him.

Jacob White

12:41 PM

Blogger Raving lunatic. said...

This is one of the sweetest stories ever. Praise God! He's in the business of changing lives!

1:50 PM


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