A community of people who are pursuing day and night prayer and the uniting of the body of Christ at asu

October 19, 2006

Fire In the Night

So I usually pray in between the hours of 11pm to 3am in Danforth Chapel. And I have to say, fire has begun to fall on the altar in that place. I hope that you're all feeling this. There are times when I almost feel guilty because I know I get to experience God every night for a solid two to four hours.

Last night (Wednesday, 10/19), a large group from Master's Commission came and visited the prayer house at midnight. Those guys were nuts. Just worshiping and praising God with no restraint at all. Gave me the chills. And it also gave at least eight passerbys the chills too! I kid you not, at least eight people stopped by Danforth Chapel, really interested in what was going on.

Praise God, for He is stirring up a holy curiosity on this campus. Lets pray for that curiosity to spread... and become desperation!


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