A community of people who are pursuing day and night prayer and the uniting of the body of Christ at asu

October 16, 2006

Salvation at the Prayer Tent

Some of us were out there praying last Monday. We were having a good time, and I could just feel that God was with us in power. It felt as though waves of the Spirit were flowing from us, and I just didn't know what to do with it. Fortunately, God knew what we were to do. He pointed out to Ben a guy who was sitting on the wall across from the tent. Ben got that zeroed-in hawk eye look, and asked me if I wanted to go with him to talk to that guy.

So we went and offered to pray for this young man. He told us about the academic pressures he was under. Ben and I shared with him about God being the Lord of the Sabbath, the day of rest, and about God's love, his desire for a relationship, and the measures that he took for that relationship, giving up Jesus on the cross for it to bear our sins. This all seemed to be new to him. We invited him to pray with us and invite Jesus into his heart. He was all up ons.

Praise God. He is into the business of saving people.


Blogger Chris said...

that was so amazing...praise the Lord for His work on campus!

12:55 AM


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