A community of people who are pursuing day and night prayer and the uniting of the body of Christ at asu

November 11, 2006

Angels Rejoice Over Tent

We had a big political rally at ASU last Thursday, that covered all of Hayden Lawn. Our prayer tent was behind everybody in plain view!

While waiting for the keynote speaker, three young men wandered over to the prayer tent. They mocked each other, saying that they had a lot of sin and needed to repent. We began to talk to them and they decided to come into the tent. The three of us in the tent had a chance to share the gospel with each of them individually!

One man said that he wanted to believe, but he wasn't quite ready to. The second man had heard God tell him to surrender all of his life to Jesus, and continued to hear God speak to him as he was in the tent! The third man, who seemed the most hostile at first, was directed to read bible verses about what Jesus had done for him, and he was absorbing it all in. Afterwards, he asked Jesus to come into his life!


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