A community of people who are pursuing day and night prayer and the uniting of the body of Christ at asu

November 24, 2006


First of all. Wednesday night was good... real good. :) As people filled the room to join in the last night of 24-7 prayer for the semester,God's weight impressed the small Danforth Chapel in a way that could not help but make us worship with ALL our heart. I was psyched when people kept praying and speaking, "this is just the beginning..." IT IS JUST THE BEGINNING. YAY!

Many people have been speaking about how the past few weeks the atmosphere has been different. Everytime I was at the prayer house in those two weeks there was almost continually a new person coming under the tent or in the Danforth Chapel for prayer or to hear about Jesus. Most of these people did not know the Lord. But something stirred in there hearts to come and to hear... how beautiful it is to see God truly stirring the hearts across the campus and leading them to us. Yeah.

On that note, I was blessed to watch a girl named Laura rededicate her life to Christ on Wednesday night. Her mom had heard of the prayer room over klove and had contacted Chris to come and join us for the last night of worship. SO her and her daughter arrived and within the next hour GOD moved in a miraculous way. He wants every child back home. She is his beloved and she is back home. Sigh... Even at the last hours he moved in a mighty way. He proved himself faithful to Laura... to me... to everyone who longs to see his face. Let us be encouraged. God is with us and is on the move... :) oh boy!


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